Bian Shi Guasha Therapy is guided by the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Meridian Theory. It uses the Bian Shi device to repeatedly scrape the skin surface and cause brief tissue damage, so that “sha” (light bruising) surfaces on the skin to improve blood circulation. In addition to the unique technique, the Bian Shi transmits far-infrared and ultrasonic waves, which can promote the circulation of blood and blood-flow along the meridian. Its unique microcrystalline structure (crystal size less than 0.03mm) contains trace elements, minerals and has a smooth texture. Hence, it is more gentle on the skin as compared to traditional scraping tools.
Bian Shi Guasha has been widely used in clinical, cosmetic and healthcare fields, In 2017, it was included in the “China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage” project.
Advantages of Bian Shi Guasha:
- Drains the meridians and promote blood circulation. Chinese medicine believes that pain is an indication of Meridian blockage and blood stasis is an important factor in causing painful diseases. Not only can Bian Shi Guasha therapy clear the meridian blockage, it can also revitalise blood flow to ease the pain.
- Prevents various chronic diseases. Blockage of metabolites in the blood is an important cause of poor health and various diseases in the human body. The Bian Shi Guasha Therapy can drain blood clots and toxins from the blood vessels.
- Maintains good internal blood circulation. The act of scraping expands skin pores, which enhances blood flow, such that more nutrients can be delivered to tissues and organs in the body.
- Clearing the meridian helps preserve beauty and youthfulness.